how itworks
Create & Verify Account

Sign up today to connect straight away

To create an account, follow our easy peasy step by step prompts. We promise we don’t share your information with any third parties. What goes on in Soultriibe stays in Soultriibe!

how itworks
Define Your Preferences

What are you here for? Friendship, dating or both? We can never have too many friends right?

Complete the questions for friendship or dating or if you’re single and ready to mingle, take advantage of our launch offer & sign up for both!

how itworks
Browse Profiles

Browse all profiles for free so you know you’re on exactly the same page

Free users have unlimited likes. Create your own timeline in friendship & include up to 10 counties in the UK to cast your net wide.
Don’t forget to upload up to six pictures to your gallery and timeline too!

how itworks
Send Interests & Connect

So you’ve browsed & found like-minded friends & some potential dates

See who has liked you and comment on their profile to really make special connections.

how itworks
Chat And Then Meet

Messaging is good, chatting is great but meeting in real life is where magic happens

It’s all about getting to know each other right? Our enhanced features for Premium Users include 1-1 messaging & leaving those all important voice notes. To make a lasting first impression, we have limited voice notes to 15 seconds…so make it snappy & show the best you!

Premium Users can even create private groups for larger Triibes. So whether you’re organising a party or just want to widen your Triibe, we’ve made this really easy for you.

Most importantly, connect, chat & meet. Have fun & be safe!